Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day 34

It is Sunday again. Super Bowl Sunday. I don't really get into football, but since I live in Wisconsin, the Packers are really big here. Most of my friends love football. They think I am a little bit weird that I don't. So I will just do some painting. Lots more fun.
I am posting paintings 21-30 today. Love to hear your thoughts and or suggestions.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Day 27

Numbers 17-20

It is Sunday, day 27. 
I like the radishes the best. I have painted them before and had a successful painting. I am still finding my way with background, getting shadows right, and not getting too tight. 
As of today, I am one painting behind, but will catch up today. Now that I am getting into a rhythm, I will attempt to post on Sundays the previous week's paintings.  

Monday, January 21, 2013

Day 21

Today is Day 21. I still have a painting to do today and it is late in the day. I have been keeping up with my painting, but it has not been easy. I am finding that I am falling into a bit of a formula for painting the objects. I will post  tomorrow, with a bit of a different look. 
This is a lot harder than I thought it would be.  The following are 9-16. 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Day 12

The idea of painting everyday is getting under my skin in a good way. I have been keeping up, so I will share a few, # 6 and #8. I have been painting on a dark ground which really helps create a dramatic image. I need to prime another group of boards and I was thinking of doing them in white to shake it up a bit or maybe a warm orange. I am liking the look of the dark background and the illuminated objects sitting on the table plane. I have been reading a few of my  books about painting in the style of the Old Masters. 

Thinking today. What would the work look like if I knew that no one would see it vs what would it look like if it was totally experimental?  Knowing that these pieces will be on display at our gallery in one year puts more pressure on the finished product. I want them to be well executed and thoughtful.

Stay tuned....

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day 8

It is day 8 and I am already behind by one painting, but hopefully will catch up today. I listened to the latest This American Life Podcast about a young man who decided to make a new start and become a Peace Pilgrim. He decided to give up everything and depend on the kindness of strangers. His idea was based on the life of Mildred Norman Ryder, who walked a pilgrimage of her own for almost 30 years. She said she would "remain a wanderer until mankind has learned the way of peace, walking until given shelter and fasting until given food." In the podcast Daryl Watson speaks about his own pilgrimage that lasted 3 days before he called family and friends. He was on a search to find his purpose in life. 

I am wondering today, how it is possible to make a change in your daily life that becomes a habit. What does it mean to commit to something that you don't even know if you can sustain for a whole year? 

These are some questions that I hope to find answers to as this journey begins.